Special offer
Digital hygrometer without probe
Digital hygrometer without probe


Regular price: €6.10

Lowest price: €6.10
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 10-20 workers) Harvester ants
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 10-20 workers) Harvester ants


Regular price: €21.95

Lowest price: €18.29
Messor barbarus ( queen plus  20- 30 workers ) Harvester ants
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 20- 30 workers ) Harvester ants


Regular price: €24.39

Lowest price: €20.73
Plaster formicarium Smart
Plaster formicarium Smart


Regular price: €31.46

Lowest price: €31.46
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 30-50 workers) Harvester ants
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 30-50 workers) Harvester ants


Regular price: €26.83

Lowest price: €26.83
Set of self-adhesive felt pads brown color (42 pcs)
Set of self-adhesive felt pads brown color (42 pcs)


Regular price: €1.70

Lowest price: €1.46
Set of self-adhesive felt pads black color (42 pcs)
Set of self-adhesive felt pads black color (42 pcs)


Regular price: €1.70

Lowest price: €1.46

We send the goods to all EU countries. For this we use different transport companies.

We try to deliver packages during the same week to prevent ants' stop at warehouse during the weekend.

That is why we send orders mainly on Mondays.

Delivery time is 3-5 days depending the country.


Transport costs: 

We reserve the right to change the charged transport costs in the event that the delivery is located in an extended area (for example on an island)

In order to avoid any misunderstandings, please inform us of such location making an order.


If in your order ( cart) shipping costs are not indicated, it probably means that the order must be shipped in several packages because the weight or volume limit has been exceeded.

So you can place further orders for a given weight / volume, according to the valuation from the system, or you can contact the store staff for an individual valuation of the cost of transporting of the entire order.

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