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Digital hygrometer without probe
Digital hygrometer without probe


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Messor barbarus ( queen plus 10-20 workers) Harvester ants
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 10-20 workers) Harvester ants


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Messor barbarus ( queen plus  20- 30 workers ) Harvester ants
Messor barbarus ( queen plus 20- 30 workers ) Harvester ants


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Messor barbarus ( queen plus 30-50 workers) Harvester ants
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Set of self-adhesive felt pads black color (42 pcs)


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I bought (caught) a black Ant Queen. How to take care of Lasius niger ?

I bought (caught) a black Ant Queen. How to deal with Lasius niger now?

Lasius niger ants

Did you catch a black ant during mating flights? It is probably the Queen of Lasius niger.

Lasius niger is the most common ant species in Poland (and in Central Europe)
Lasius niger is also known as black garden ant

How to care for a lasius Niger queen to lay eggs and grow brood?

First of all, don't feed the Queen until the first workers appear.

This way of setting up an anthill is called claustral (the queen builds a nest, lays eggs and raises the first brood on her own)

If you use a heating mat, be careful not to cook the Queen,do not place the test tube directly on the mat. Control the temperature. For this purpose, it is best to buy a thermometer with a hygrometer function (this device will also be useful after inhabiting the formicarium)

The time needed for colony development is, for example: development from egg to worker takes 6 to 8 weeks, but the pace depends on the temperature and the food provided.

In natural conditions, the queen can live up to 15 years, in artificial conditions, which is a home ant farm, in a formicarium up to 7-8 years.

Do not allow ants to settle into a medium-sized formicarium until a minimum of 13-15 worker ants have appeared. Inhabiting the formicarium with too few ants is the most common mistake in antkeeping.

You bought ants online, they were transported by courier

Ants are stressed after the journey - let them rest for a minimum of 2 days, leave the test tube with ants darkened (covered with, for example, a cloth) at a minimum temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. Ideally, the ants should be away from any vibrations, in a secluded place.

What is the recommended temperature for Lasius niger home raising?

The recommended temperature for antkeeping, so that the ants are lively and want to lay eggs, is 22-25 ° C.

How to feed ants?

  • You can keep ants in a test tube as long as there is water in it. You feed the ants by putting the food in small portions inside the tube.
  • The basis of the diet of the described ants is protein and carbohydrates.
  • Protein food is necessary for faster colony development, for the Queen to lay more eggs and for the development of brood.
    You can buy protein food in our store or at your local pet store. These are: mealworms, crickets, wood eaters. Serve protein food killed,do not organize battles between insects.

Other available protein foods at AntCenter store is dried smelt and dried blood.

The food most often eaten by Lasiusy is the so-called. "Basic food for ants", which in its composition that contains both proteins and carbohydrates.

Set of food for ants

  • This species of ants willingly eats carbohydrates - honey and jelly from our offer.
  • The amount of served food depends on the season (temperature) and the size of the colony - over time you will observe yourself how often to serve food. If they do not eat protein, it may be time to switch to a different type. It can be considered that feeding ants 1-2 times a week is fully sufficient.
  • Remove food remains with tweezers (e.g. chitinous shell of insects), remove dead workers.
  • Water - give the ants tap water or mineral water. You can also give them water diluted with honey.

What is recommended humidity for raising black ants?

These ants do not like too much humidity, they are not tropical ants. The recommended humidity is 50-70%

In what kind of formicarium is the best to raise black garden ants ?

Recommended type of the formicarium for a given species of ants are formicariums with cork nests (ants like drilling corridors, but they do not destroy the cork completely) - in our offer it is, for example, Brand or Tower formicariums.

Frmicarium Brand and Black garden ants


Which location is the most suitable for the ant farm ?

The place for the formicarium should be secluded, away from home electronic devices, away from sources of light. The formicarium can be covered with a cloth or a red protective cover to provide the ants with darkening (conditions similar to natural ones)

Does Lasius niger need hibernation in winter?

Yes, ants should be hibernated at a temperature of 5 ° C for 2-3 months, preferably in the winter months.

By starting hibernation, you lower the temperature by 1-2 degrees every day.

When you end hibernation, you increase the temperature by 1-2 degrees every day.

Well-conducted hibernation prolongs the life expectancy of the queen and maximises egg laying yield.


If you still have questions about Lasius niger ant farming, you can always call to AntCenter for advice.

We will be happy to welcome you among our clients by answering your questions :)


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